welcome to the second thingy of my blog

what ive been up to

I have been kinda chilling but then I decided to read more into marxism and anarcho-marxism.

So far I have read about some of the core values of Marx, Engels, Kropotkin, and Luxemburg

very interesting stuff >:3


I'm going to read more, maybne finish the communist manifesto, but for now, this is what i have to say:

I think marxism presents many good theories on how to achieve a much more peaceful and utopian society. Now it is not to be confused with Marxism-Leninism, Trotskyism, or Stalinism, it seems to be much more liberal, I would put it in the bottom-left political quadrant. I like the ideas of the workers controlling their own fruits of their work. For example, in one of his many publications, Marx says:

"The individual has a right to the product of his labor, as society is collectively responsible for the means of production."

Other things I like about marxism is that, again it is not heavily state-focused, and is honestly bringing the true meaning of communism - actual power to the workers, not a proletarian dictatorship ruled by disguised bourgeousie.

That's all I got for now, on to Kropotkin.

Kropotkin & Anarcho-Collectivism/Communism

While maybe not as deeply as my readings of Marx, at least not so far, I have still done some research itno Kropotkin's philosophic theories and his famous book, "The Conquest of Bread".

I can definitely agree there is no need for a state, we can reform as huamns to manage society ourselves. The state, as well as capitalism, has been messing people around for too long. This misdistribution is purely fueled by the greed of others. Wake up people, we need to look after each other. While I haven't read much of the actual book, but I've been pulling up some quotes. For example, this one debates against the common argument that people wouldn't be able to manage themselves without a state:

“The needs of all the members of society, if properly managed, can be satisfied with the same means that are at the disposal of the state.”

Another one that nullifies primitivism, which I heavily agree with, as I believe humans, tech, and nature can coexist with little issues.

“We do not want to destroy the machines, but the system that exploits men.”

other stuffs

I read a bit of Luxemburg's stuff, but I dont think I have enough research to even say if I want any of her work on my bookshelf yet, let alone critique or highlight it. For now I am neutral on Spartacism and Councilism/Syndicalism.

Oh yeah, I made a bookshelf of political philosophy texts&stuff, so be sure to take a peek :3

here it is

In terms of non-political stuff, I got into a bit of an bad habit with my videos and projects because of various events, but hopefully I should be back on in december again ^w^

Thanks for tuning in, and auf wiedersehen! (im not german btw im just saying cuz i wanna, just thought i'd clear that up :3)

who needs a state? always and forever silly :3

posted 21-11-2024 all blogs homepage